Dr. Lesley A. Debrier
Family Practice
Danielle Morse
Registered Nutritionist
Specializing in autoimmune pediatric nutrition
Visits in office or in home
Our support Dog
Area of Practice
Dr. Debrier Specializes in women’s care in all phases of life- young women, adolescents, women during their contraceptive years, and hormone and menopause management. She has special expertise in PCOS and other hormone disorders. Patients are also able to consult with our nutritionist, Danielle Morse. She has areas of specialty in autoimmune disorders hormone disorders and nutritional support for functional medicine.
We do home visits and virtual visits. We are able to work around your work schedule, and we often work when you are not working.
We are able to bring our phlebotomist to your home to do home blood draws we are also able to perform routine testing such as E K G and vision and hearing testing in the comfort of your home.
Dr. Debrier has extensive experience in Pediatrics and can do home or virtual visits for many routine or complex pediatric or adolescent issues.
Our registered nutritionist is able to provide a wide range of nutrition counseling for both kids and adults. She has a special focus in autoimmune disease and pediatric nutritional issues including sports nutrition for active teens, and menopause support. Please visit our sister website: FatAppleNutrition.com
We will work with you to create a personalized plan to help you achieve your health goals
Contact us:
23515 NE Novelty Hill Rd Suite B221, Redmond, WA 98053